Welsh higher education will be under the spotlight when representatives from Brazilian universities visit Wales from 21 – 23 September.
The visitors are senior academics with responsibility for international affairs at 10 of Brazil’s top universities and members of FAUBAI the Brazilian Association of International Education.
Chris Lewis, head of education at British Council Wales who are hosting the visit, said: “The aim of the visit is to start a conversation between the Welsh and Brazilian HE sectors about how they can work together in the future.
“Swansea University’s College of Engineering already has an impressive 200 Brazilian undergraduates. The students are attending the university as part of the Brazilian government’s ‘Science without Borders’ programme, which aims to ensure Brazil’s top researchers and students develop their skills in the best universities around the world.”
The Brazilian group will be visiting the College of Engineering and learning more about the Bloodhound supersonic car that is being developed there.
Higher Education Wales will be talking to the visitors about Welsh higher education and what it can offer. Representatives of Welsh universities will also hear about the Brazilian university sector.