Monday 23 January 2017


Cardiff University’s School of Modern Languages has teamed up with British Council Wales to offer a new studentship that will evaluate the effectiveness of Wales’ sole language outreach programme.

Funded by the ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership for Wales (Wales DTP), applications are now open for the PhD study of Routes into Languages Cymru; a pan Wales outreach project that supports modern languages in Welsh schools.

Routes into Languages Cymru began in 2008 and this collaborative studentship will be the first in-depth evaluation of the project, which aims to increase the number of pupils choosing modern foreign languages by promoting their visibility, uptake and profile.

The studentship is a ‘collaborative studentship' and will involve an internship with British Council Wales.

The PhD will focus on the following research questions:

  • How have Routes Cymru’s activities impacted on schools and pupils? Which of their activities have had the greatest relevance across the project’s life cycle?
  • What has been the role of Routes Cymru in influencing attitudes to modern languages in Wales? Where and how can these benefits be measured and assessed?
  • To what extent has devolved educational policy provided opportunities for Routes Cymru’s engagement? Where and how has the Routes Cymru project fed effectively into policy decisions?
  • How does Routes Cymru compare to other interventions at an international level and what can this research tell us about sustainable interventions for modern languages in a post-EU referendum landscape?

The deadline for applications for the studentship is 1 February 2017. Further details are available on the Cardiff University website .

About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create friendly knowledge and understanding between the people of the UK and other countries. Using the UK’s cultural resources we make a positive contribution to the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust.

We work with over 100 countries across the world in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Each year we reach over 20 million people face-to-face and more than 500 million people online, via broadcasts and publications.

Founded in 1934, we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. The majority of our income is raised delivering a range of projects and contracts in English teaching and examinations, education and development contracts and from partnerships with public and private organisations. Eighteen per cent of our funding is received from the UK government.

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