Children in front of world map


Join us to hear from experts on modern foreign language education and to share your views on the future of multilingualism in Wales, on Thursday 10 December, 16.30-17.30pm GMT.

The event will mark the conclusion of Language Trends Wales 2020, which has seen us analyse the A Level and GCSE figures for languages in 2020 and share the views of experts and commentators on modern foreign language (MFL) education in Wales. 

This is an opportunity to hear from a panel of Welsh and international experts, respond to the articles published as part of Language Trends Wales 2020, and to share your ideas and thoughts on the future of multilingualism in Wales. We welcome your questions during the event and you can also submit your questions prior to the event, using the registration form.

This year we asked all our contributors, both as part of the published series and the event, to look to the future, to tell us how Wales might become a beacon of excellence for language learning. We want to consider what opportunities Wales’ new curriculum could offer MFL education and what possibilities it can offer learners. 

Introducing our panel of international experts

Professor Mererid Hopwood (Chair), Professor of Languages and Cwricwlwm Cymreig at University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Anna Vivian Jones, Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE) Development Lead at ERW Education Consortium

Dr Josephine Moate, Senior Lecturer at University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Dr Céline Healy, Lecturer in Education & M.Ed. Programme Co-ordinator, Maynooth University Department of Education, Ireland

Professor David Lasagabaster, Professor of Applied Linguistic, University of the Basque Country, Euskadi, Spain