Musicians performing on stage
Swn music festival, Cardiff 2016 ©


8 December 2016

Creative Cardiff have published Cardiff: Creative Capital -  mapping Cardiff’s Creative Economy 2016 report. This report is the first step in the process of mapping Cardiff’s creative economy in greater detail.

This work sits alongside the establishment of the Creative Cardiff Network, which launched in October 2015 and sought the same type of data in order to establish connections across the creative economy of Cardiff and the city region.

Creative Cardiff is supported by Cardiff University’s Creative Economy team in partnership with founder members Wales Millennium Centre, BBC Cymru Wales and Cardiff Council.

The Creative Cardiff symposium on 8 December, supported by British Council Wales saw the launch of the mapping Cardiff’s Creative Economy report. The event drew on insights from the Creative Cardiff project alongside the themes and trends emerging from wider research and the perspectives of leading thinkers on the creative economy. The event was designed to explore what makes a creative city and to develop Cardiff's conversation with other creative cities. 

The Cardiff: Creative Capital - mapping Cardiff’s Creative Economy 2016 report identified:

  • 2788 creative companies/organisations and freelancers in the Cardiff area
  • Most creative companies, businesses and institutions (58%) are clustered in just five wards, all close to or encompassing, the city centre and Cardiff Bay
  • Four areas where Cardiff appears to have particular strengths in the creative sector:

    1. Music, Performing & Visual Arts
    2. Film, TV, Radio & Photography
    3. Design: Product, Graphic & Fashion
    4. Crafts